Monday, June 30, 2008

My Dear,

I just don't give a damn.

I don't know if those are the exact words, but if they are, I don't want to plagiarize, sooo... copyright Gone with the Wind etc.


The point is, I've been stressing out and really it's all in my head. So I'm saying to myself, "Hey. I don't give a pile of poo as to where I hang my hat! Because 1) I have no hats and 2) it's not like I'm an orphan or anything.

I saw like, a minute of The Eye last night. And if you weren't aware (if you even care), I hate scary movies. So I had a nightmare.
I mean, it was a perfectly fine dream until my sister (in the dream) pointed out a burning building, so I ran inside to see if anyone was still there and I saw this lady with her kid and I tried to talk to them but they vanished into smoke (there was even creepy music!) and a lady came out of the door and she was like, "Go warn the others. Tell them there is a fire." I thought she was alive until her face started to turn greenish and crispy, then I realized not so much. By this time, everyone was still completely oblivious and all the people there were living in the building connected so I was like, "CALL 911! FIRE! CALL AN AMBULANCE! FIRE, YOU IDIOTS!" but my voice wasn't loud enough to I had to run around telling everyone. Then everyone got out and was like, "Dude, why didn't you tell us sooner?" and they were complaining so I was like, "HEY!" and basically laid it out on them about how stupid they are and how awesome I was. Then these two guys were like, "Hey. We like that you got angry. We might make you an honorary black person! (they were black, obviously). Then everyone started walking up these stairs, and suddenly there were these lights/ lamps and I was like, "Where's my sister?!" because they were "spirit lights" and I told her so and she had to help me walk. I was hoping they were like, friendly light because I stopped other people from dying but after the creepy music started and I started to see angry scary things I just covered my eyes and let her lead me.

Some stuff happened after that, but I don't really remember.

Moving on.

We're going to Pennsic.
I had lunch at Panera with Sieanna and Aaren (not at the same time) and dinner at Boston Market with Chella, Andrew, Brit, Amy & Josh.
I saw Wall E with the family.


That's about it.

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