(this is probably one of those "you had to be there" stories)
So, my history class went out on a field trip today to go see the Indian Mounds in Newark (Newark Earthworks). Our prof was super-excited about it, & she was semi-upset with us because no one had done the assigned reading so nobody really knew what she was talking about. Despite our ignorance & indifference, she forged on & continued to lecture us & bombard us with lots of (in my opinion) useless information. Afterwards, she asked whether anyone had time to go see the other earthwork site, to which we all gave a sort of negative-themed noncommittal group grunt, which led her to believe that we all had classes that we had to get to. The truth is that a group of us had decided to go to Chipotle, and we weren't really as enthusiastic as our dear professor. The thing is, once we got to Chipotle, we were startled to realize that it was actually right across the street from the other site that our prof had wanted us to visit! So we ended up admiring the mounds from afar, in our cozy (if slightly crowded) table at Chipotle.
Okay, just got this in from the library, and I feel super attached to it. I mean, I'd love it any which way, but I feel as if this album would be the soundtrack of this year for me, if my life/year were a pop/techno musical. My absolute favorites are: "The Saltwater Room," "Dental Care," "The Tip of the Iceberg,"(lyrics) and "Vanilla Twilight."(lyrics)
I'd just like to note that I had typed almost the entire album before I had to narrow my choices down.
(PS- IT'S 11:11 MAKE A WISH!)
gen, you make me laugh.. *^^*
oh the irony.
and owl city= AMAZING!
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