Tuesday, April 20, 2010


(crappy sketch comics for the win)

I wouldn't be upset if this is what had actually happened.
Instead, it turned into a situation where I was the only one who said anything at all, and I had no clue how to handle the whole mess, and my brain was in shut-down-and-panic mode. I realize that I probably should've brought up a common interest or something, but that doesn't do me any good now. Mostly my focus was, "Don't compare them, don't compare them, don't compare them!" and, "AUGH!"

Haha, I'm terrible with people! =D

I basically officially have the job in Arizona.
All I need to do is sign the contract when it gets here via the mail, and I'll be set.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I started reading the sketch comic thing as if it were a manga, and I confused myself. This is probably a sign that I should lay off on that for a while...)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

ten! honest things.

Tagged by Alia! I was going to write a poem with the honest things, but it would've ended up being long and I feel as if I have too many poems about myself anyways.
You know, it's interesting that the word "tagged" has been taken from a kids' game & applied to this action, since it fits in a way and everything, but anyways. Right.

1- I have this weird way of either over thinking everything I say, or not thinking at all before I say something. There's no happy medium. So most of the time I end up looking either quiet/ shy, or a little ditsy/ weird.

2- I actually love cleaning. This was something I didn't even realize until I was listening happily to my ipod while scrubbing stairs with a toothbrush. MVA did strange things to me.

3- Whenever I say something mean, I feel really guilty about it; whether the person deserves it or not. So I end up never saying most of the mean things that I'm thinking.

4- Of my many weaknesses, my problems with motivation are the worst. It's not that I have a lack of motivation- I'm just motivated towards the wrong things. For example, cleaning the kitchen so I can bake cookies, as opposed to doing my homework so I can get good grades. Maybe it's more of a priority problem, actually.

5- I don't believe in soulmates. I believe that, in the capacity of a friend, there can be someone who seems like they're a part of you. But I think romance is a totally different field.

6- This might not sound totally believable, but I have a scientific mind. I enjoy knowing things; how things happen, for what purpose they happen, what causes them to happen... It's not that I'm distanced emotionally, it's just that I have to examine some emotions before I can admit to them.

7- With absolutely no exaggeration, I tell you that I am addicted to music. I tried to give it up once, for a few days: It nearly drove me crazy.

8- When I envision people in my head, they're smiling and laughing, almost always. Unless I REALLY dislike them.

9- Cookie dough tastes better to me than the actual cookies, most of the time.

10- Augh, I can't think of any more. Ummmmmmm... ? I'm terrified to fall in love.

WOW, that was harder than I thought it would be. Partly because most of the things I was going to put down could be inferred after spending 10 minutes with me.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thought I might update-

There's a large possibility that I'll be going to Arizona to be an assistant girls' dean at a boarding school there.

I'm about 2/3 excited, and 1/3 everything else.